After All Springville

Disasters and Amusement Parks

A comic book coming to life with a walking table, a colorful-smoking cottage and a frustrated fuse box about the tragic failure of a community.

In it, an explosive narrative unfolds around a colorful-smoking cardboard house, its inhabitants and the neighborhood: an elegant walking table that would like nothing better than to be set, a man who wants to take out the trash, a frustrated fuse box and a very long pair of pants go through big and small dramas with varying degrees of slapstick and disaster potential. With the lightness of a cartoon, the tragic story of a failed community is told. And because all this could hardly be more topical, Warlop is now restaging her iconic work under the title AFTER ALL SPRINGVILLE.

Producers creation 2009: CAMPO en Kunstencentrum BUDA.

Coproduction creation 2021: HAU Hebbel am Ufer – Berlin (DE), Kunstencentrum BUDA – Courtrai (BE), Arts Centre Vooruit – Gent (BE); DE STUDIO – Antwerp (BE), Internationales Sommerfestival Kampnagel – Hamburg (DE).

Miet Warlop

Irene Wool vzw
  • Genre: Theater/Performance
  • World premiere: 4 September 2021
  • Direction: Miet Warlop
  • Creation & performance: Hanako Hayakawa/Ching Shu Huang/Jef Hellemans, Emiel Vandenberghe/Vladimir Babinchuk, Margot Masquelier/Margarida Ramalhete, Milan Schudel/Jacobine Tone Kofoed, Wietse Tanghe/Freek De Craecker, Jarne Van Loon

'Golden Oldie' 2021

Theaterfestival (BE)

Best theater production 2022

Theaterfestival (NL)

Audience award 2023

DANCE XXV International Contemporary Festival (HU)

“In Springville, Warlop sets an inventive course through moving tableaux vivants – which characterise her language – combined with Keatonesque slapstick. It delivers subtle theatre that holds up a penetrating and playful magnifying mirror to the world.”

Knack (2009)

“Es ist schön zu beobachten, wie diese Kunst immer in Bewegung bleibt, ein lebender Organismus, bei dem nicht klar ist, was aus ihm wird. Wobei – dass am Ende die Zerstörung stehen wird, das spürt man schon in den ersten Minuten des Abends. Wie unterhaltsam, kreativ, berührend Warlop diese endgültige Zerstörung aber inszeniert, das ist dann doch wieder eine Überraschung. Ein Knalleffekt, wenn man so will.”

Hamburger Abendblatt

“After All Springville ist der gute alte Jahrmarktzauber, den Miet Warlop an diesem Abend beschwört. Die kindliche Freude an Feuerwerk und Farbenpracht, an Verrücktheiten und Verwandlungen.”


“One of the strongest visual performances of this season."


"In After All Springville, Miet Warlop opens the door to a wonderful universe. Her theatre is playful and full of jokes, but at heart she is exploring the essence of humanity. Fresh, energetic and disarming.”

**** De Morgen


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