Da Capo

Da Capo is a caravan of life that is passing by. Generations appearing and disappearing. Being born and passing away. Strength. Beauty. Loss. Love.

‘Da Capo’ is a chronicle of a circus family. An evocative, filmic performance of a family history of love, necessity, apparent coincidence and passion. From a 15-year old boy who ran away with the circus in 1842 to the present day, where the seventh generation makes its entrance into the Circus Ronaldo ring. A story of 180 years of wonder.

Circus Ronaldo is longing to tell this story. The history of its family, from the beginning into infinity. A story that is both unique and universal, familiar to every one of us, for today more than ever we are in need of support and trust, of connection, of family.

Final Direction: Frank Van Laecke

  • Genre: Theatre/circus
  • World premiere: 27 October 2023 Theater op de Markt Neerpelt (BE)
  • Direction: Frank Van Laecke (final direction)
  • Creation & performance: Danny Ronaldo, David Ronaldo, Nanosh Ronaldo, Pepijn Ronaldo, Angelo Ronaldo, Matheo Ronaldo, Maria Ronaldo, Adanya Ronaldo, Karel Creemers, Corneel Didier, Rachel Ponsonby, Marie Parrinet, Elisa Cheryl Vizioli, Brechje De Ruysscher, Frauke Verreyde, Flor Huybens, Niko Heremans
  • Music: David Van Keer, Steven Pringels, Pepijn Ronaldo, Rachel Ponsonby
  • Coproduction: hetpaleis (Antwerpen), Theater op de Markt – Dommelhof (Pelt), Théatre Firmin Gémier / La Piscine – Pôle national des arts du cirque (Châtenay-Malabry), Latitude 50 - pôle des arts du cirque et de la rue (Marchin)
  • With the support of: De Warande (Turnhout), 30 CC Cultuurcentrum Leuven, Gemeenschapscentrum ’t Blikveld (Bonheiden), Tax Shelter en de Vlaamse Gemeenschap

"A beautiful spectacle; hectic, hilarious scenes; surreal, Felliniesque processions; tranquil moments; an emotional take on the art of (surviving) life with bittersweet humour."



Date Group Production Location Organizer
04.04.2025 - 06.04.2025 Circus Ronaldo Da Capo Aalst (BE) CC De Werf
11.04.2025 - 13.04.2025 Circus Ronaldo Da Capo Berlare (BE) CC Stroming Berlare
19.04.2025 - 21.04.2025 Circus Ronaldo Da Capo Diest (BE) CC Diest
25.04.2025 - 27.04.2025 Circus Ronaldo Da Capo Bierbeek (BE) CC De Borre